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Publication date: 13 August 2019

Naser Valaei, S.R. Nikhashemi, Gregory Bressolles and Hwang Ha Jin

The purpose of this paper is to examine (a)symmetric features of task-technology-performance characteristics that are most relevant to fit, satisfaction and continuance intention…




The purpose of this paper is to examine (a)symmetric features of task-technology-performance characteristics that are most relevant to fit, satisfaction and continuance intention of using apps in mobile banking transactions.


Exploratory factor analysis was used with maximum likelihood extraction and Varimax rotation on a separate sample of 183 mobile banking apps users prior to the main data collection. The theoretical model was tested applying a factor-based structural equation modelling approach to a sample of 250 experienced mobile banking apps users.


The study unveiled that the task and performance characteristics are more relevant compared to technology characteristics when doing transactions via apps. In addition, the findings uncovered that user satisfaction and continuous intention to use apps stem from the degree of fit in online transactions. The findings of moderation analysis highlighted that users in the lower income group are more concerned about the performance characteristics of banking apps, and there are no differences across age and gender groups. Surprisingly, technology characteristic has a nonlinear nature and this study shows potential boundary conditions of technology characteristics in degree of fit, user satisfaction and continuance intention to use apps.

Practical implications

Findings from the conditional probabilistic queries reveal that with 83.3 per cent of probability, user satisfaction is high when using apps for banking transactions, if the levels of fit, task, performance and technology characteristics are high. Furthermore, with 72 per cent of probability, continuance intention to use apps is high, if the levels of performance and task characteristics are high.


Contributing to task-technology fit theory, this study shows that performance characteristics need to be aligned with task and technology characteristics in order to have better fit when using apps for online banking transactions.


Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 32 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0398


Publication date: 5 October 2021

Naser Valaei, Gregory Bressolles, Hina Khan and Yee Min Low

Even though there is a noticeable market value in the mobile gaming apps industry, there has been limited research examining experiential value of gamers with respect to in-game…




Even though there is a noticeable market value in the mobile gaming apps industry, there has been limited research examining experiential value of gamers with respect to in-game ads in gaming apps. This study fills the void in the literature by examining factors associated with “experiential value of gamers through ads in gaming apps” as well as investigating its antecedents (cognitive and affective involvement) and consequences (positive word of mouth and intention to continue playing the mobile game).


A total of 600 valid responses from gamers was used to test the model fit, measurement and structural models, conditional probabilistic queries, and nonlinearity.


This study found that experiential value of gamers through ads in gaming apps is a second-order factor of four constructs: escapism, enjoyment, social affiliation and entertainment. Most of the structural paths between cognitive/affective involvement and dimensions of experiential value are supported. Surprisingly, only social affiliation and entertainment values predict positive word of mouth and intention to continue playing the mobile game, in a nonlinear way.


This study is the first to introduce “experiential value of gamers through ads in gaming apps”. The findings have important implications for companies to develop brand and communication strategies by leveraging specific advertisement formats and present their ads to the right audience in the right gaming apps and at the right time.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 122 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0263-5577


Publication date: 25 September 2019

Gregory Bressolles and Gerald Lang

The purpose of this paper is to expand existing research on fulfillment systems for multi-channel retailers by combining analysis of customer expectation (CE) with economic…




The purpose of this paper is to expand existing research on fulfillment systems for multi-channel retailers by combining analysis of customer expectation (CE) with economic performance (EP) aspects.


This exploratory study is based on a literature review of supply chain management and marketing combined with the results of an online questionnaire submitted to French and Chinese multi-channel retailers from two sectors.


The results enable the authors to identify 13 important key performance indicators (KPIs) used by multi-channel retailers for measuring e-fulfillment system performance and also to determine under which of the EP or CE criteria these KPIs might be linked.

Research limitations/implications

Although the sample size is limited, this research is intended to be exploratory, based on the practices of supply chain and marketing managers. Moreover, the results do not address interdependencies among the different KPIs.

Practical implications

E-fulfillment is a major challenge for multi-channel retailers; it is cost intensive and critical for customer satisfaction. The identified set of KPIs enables retailers to choose those relevant to their particular infrastructure.


A limited number of scholarly works have explored the operational implications of online retailing in terms of e-fulfillment in a multi-channel context. In order to manage such supply chains efficiently and effectively, traditional measures of supply chain performance need to be adapted. This study expands existing knowledge by developing measurement systems and metrics for the evaluation of supply chain performance in this context.


International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 48 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-0552


Publication date: 23 July 2021

Naser Valaei, Sajad Rezaei, Gregory Bressolles and Michael M. Dent

A total of 210 valid paper-and-pencil questionnaires were received from fast-moving consumer goods/small and medium-sized enterprises (FMCG-SMEs) to empirically test the proposed…




A total of 210 valid paper-and-pencil questionnaires were received from fast-moving consumer goods/small and medium-sized enterprises (FMCG-SMEs) to empirically test the proposed model. Structural equation modelling approach was performed to assess the model fit, measurement and structural models for exogenous and endogenous constructs, and test of nonlinearity.


In the hyper-competitive world, while the essence of strategy making is often focussed on environmental and market-based analysis or the structure of the market, the important role of resources and capabilities in determining firm performance and overall strategy formulation within SMEs begs attention. Grounded in the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, organisational improvisation theory and componential theory of creativity, the purpose of this research is to look beyond the determinants of creativity, innovation and proposes a theoretical model investigating organisations formative performance in strategy formulation.


The results imply that intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, creativity-related processes and expertise as the firm's capabilities positively influence improvisational creativity, and creativity-related processes and expertise also positively impact on compositional creativity. Surprisingly, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are not conducive to compositional creativity, and the relationships between extrinsic motivation and improvisational creativity as well as improvisational creativity and performance are nonlinear. Furthermore, both improvisational creativity and compositional creativity are found to be predictors of innovation in FMCG-SMEs.

Practical implications

Thus, organisations and specifically FMCG-SMEs can increase the level of improvisational creativity if they formulate strategies to motivate employees both intrinsically and extrinsically, and further, they can boost the level of compositional creativity in their companies through hiring and nurturing experts.


Less attention has been paid to motivation, creativity, innovation, performance and strategy linkages as the prominent source of competitive advantages among FMCG-SMEs, especially in developing countries. Theoretically, through introducing extrinsic motivation as the predictors of improvisational creativity and innovation, from strategic management perspectives, the empirical findings of this research illustrate that resources and capabilities (RBV) lead to improved competitive performance within the FMCG-SMEs. This study also provides empirical evidence for the nonlinear nature of the relationship between motivation and creativity.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, vol. 14 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-4323


Publication date: 9 November 2010

Grégory Bressolles and François Durrieu

Using customers' evaluations of electronic service quality (e‐SQ), the purpose of this paper is to analyze internet buyer behavior and propose a typology of online buyers for wine…




Using customers' evaluations of electronic service quality (e‐SQ), the purpose of this paper is to analyze internet buyer behavior and propose a typology of online buyers for wine web sites based on e‐SQ dimensions.


In all, 1,813 French internet customers filled in an online questionnaire after completing a specified task on 18 selected web sites selling wine directly to customers.


Analysis of the results confirmed the structure of the NetQual scale for wine web sites using structural equation modeling and identified three groups of customers: the “disappointed” the “reassurance seeker” and the “opportunist”.

Research limitations/implications

This study has some limitations. One of them is related to the fact that the target population is representative of the French internet buyer population and not of the customer profile for the web sites analyzed. Future research should integrate customers of the different web sites analyzed and, in order to have an intercultural comparison, non‐French wine web sites should also be included in future studies.

Practical implications

The seven dimensions of the NetQual scale are important for consumers when they evaluate wine web sites and contribute to identify three groups of internet buyers of French wine web sites. For each group, this study provides recommendations for practitioners in order to transform visitors into buyers.


The increasingly systematic use of the internet in consumers' decision‐making processes, combined with the growth in the number of wine web sites, has led researchers and practitioners to examine service quality issues in an online context. Existing typologies do not take into account the importance of e‐SQ dimensions. This paper's typology shows how these dimensions contribute to differentiating the groups.


International Journal of Wine Business Research, vol. 22 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1062


Publication date: 10 August 2015

Grégory Bressolles, Francois Durrieu and Kenneth R Deans

The purpose of this paper is to study the service-profit chain (SPC) on e-service quality dimensions, online customer value (CV) dimensions, e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty in an…




The purpose of this paper is to study the service-profit chain (SPC) on e-service quality dimensions, online customer value (CV) dimensions, e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty in an e-commerce context.


A total of 2,813 internet customers filled in an online questionnaire after completing a specified task on one of 28 wine web sites from seven countries.


The results highlight the impact of the dimensions of e-service quality (information, aesthetics, ease of use, security/privacy, and reliability) on the dimensions of online CV (functional, economic, and social value) as they affect e-satisfaction, which in turn influences e-loyalty. The results validate the SPC in an e-commerce context and also stress the partial mediating role of the dimensions of online CV between the dimensions of e-service quality and e-satisfaction.

Research limitations/implications

The sample may not exactly match the customer profile of the web sites analyzed. In order to generalize the results, future research should replicate this study with a customer sample from each web site. Future research could also take into account other variables that may have an influence on the relationships identified. Additionally it would be interesting to replicate the study in other industries and undertake longitudinal studies in one or more industries.

Practical implications

From a managerial point of view, online retailers, especially in the wine sector, can positively affect CV, satisfaction, and loyalty by focussing on information, aesthetics, ease of use, security/privacy, and reliability.


This paper is the first to study the SPC by examining service quality dimensions, CV dimensions, satisfaction, and loyalty in an online context. It extends the knowledge of online retailing by validating the SPC on the dimensions of traditional service concepts, such as service quality and CV. The findings can assist online retailers to better understand the dynamics of online customer relationships and the implications for customer satisfaction and ultimately loyalty.


International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 43 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-0552


Content available
Publication date: 9 November 2010

Ulrich R. Orth




International Journal of Wine Business Research, vol. 22 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1062

Publication date: 15 February 2018

Erdem Galipoglu, Herbert Kotzab, Christoph Teller, Isik Özge Yumurtaci Hüseyinoglu and Jens Pöppelbuß

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to identify, evaluate and structure the research that focusses on omni-channel retailing from the perspective of logistics and supply chain…




The purpose of this paper is twofold: to identify, evaluate and structure the research that focusses on omni-channel retailing from the perspective of logistics and supply chain management; and to reveal the intellectual foundation of omni-channel retailing research.


The paper applies a multi-method approach by conducting a content-analysis-based literature review of 70 academic papers. Based on the reference lists of these papers, the authors performed a citation and co-citation analysis based on the 34 most frequently cited papers. This analysis included multidimensional scaling, a cluster analysis and factor analysis.


The study reveals the limited consideration of logistics and supply chain management literature in the foundation of the omni-channel retailing research. Further, the authors see a dominance of empirical research as compared to conceptual and analytical research. Overall, there is a focus on the Western retail context in this research field. The intellectual foundation is embedded in the marketing discipline and can be characterised as lacking a robust theoretical foundation.


The contribution of this research is identifying, evaluating and structuring the literature of omni-channel research and providing an overview of the state of the art of this research area considering its interdisciplinary nature. This paper thus supports researchers looking to holistically comprehend, prioritise and use the underpinning literature central to the phenomena of omni-channel retailing. For practitioners and academics alike, the findings can trigger and support future research and an evolving understanding of omni-channel retailing.


International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, vol. 48 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0960-0035


Publication date: 16 November 2018

Celso Augusto de Matos and Anderson Krielow

Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework, this paper aims to analyze the influence of environmental factors (e.g. competitive pressure) on the firm’s evaluations…




Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework, this paper aims to analyze the influence of environmental factors (e.g. competitive pressure) on the firm’s evaluations (i.e. perceived risk and convenience) and response (intention to purchase e-services).


A model is tested with data from a survey with 430 micro- and small-sized enterprises (MSEs) in an emerging country. The following constructs were measured: external factors, data security, lack of knowledge, perceived risk, convenience and purchase intention. Company size, internet use and previous experience were control variables.


MSEs’ intention to purchase e-services is strongly influenced by convenience, which in turn is more affected by external factors. Perceived risk is mainly affected by lack of knowledge and data security. Overall, the model supports the mediating role of perceived risk and convenience in the relationship between Stimuli factors (external factors, data security and lack of knowledge) on response (purchase intentions). For instance, data security influences purchase intention only through the mediation of perceived risk and convenience.

Practical implications

Firms interested in providing e-services for MSEs should improve the perceived convenience of e-commerce. At the same time, they can also reduce the lack of knowledge and increase data security to reduce the perceived risk of the decision-maker.


This paper demonstrates mediating effects of perceived risk and convenience, considering a SOR framework, as well as the analysis of business-to-business e-services in an understudied context, i.e. MSEs in an emerging country.


Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 34 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0885-8624


Publication date: 16 August 2021

Raghu Nandan Chawla and Praveen Goyal

Ubiquitous digital technologies are driving organisations to embrace non-traditional digitally transformed business models incessantly. Heterogeneous literature contributions have…




Ubiquitous digital technologies are driving organisations to embrace non-traditional digitally transformed business models incessantly. Heterogeneous literature contributions have resulted in a spur in the research related to business transformation driven by digital technologies in recent years; consequently, the research under the digital transformation (DT), even though becoming a hotspot, remains very fragmented. The authors endeavour to holistically present the literature's intellectual structure under DT as a concept, its evolving journey and the emerging research streams in the business and management domains using the techniques of bibliometric analysis.


By performing bibliometric analysis on 234 research articles published over the last 20 years in the DT domain, retrieved from Thompson Reuters Web of Science TM, this study culls out thorough insights from the citation, co-citation and keyword analysis. Further emerging research streams were evaluated using VOSviewer software.


The study depicts an overall incremental trend of year-on-year publications, authors' performance, publication journals, associated institutions and research driving countries, along with key insights from co-citation network analysis. Furthermore, the study evaluates four research areas – organisational impacts, applied applications and insights, operational processes and social aspects, comprising eighteen research streams that comprehensively cover-up research under the DT domain.

Research limitations/implications

The study contributes to the literature of DT by amalgamating the status of the present research, but more importantly, by deriving the research areas and research streams, which can be further expanded by researchers as future research streams.

Practical implications

For the practitioners, the study aims to act as a ready reckoner repository with practice-oriented literature references to facilitate them building knowledge and taking effective strategic decisions to harness the benefits of DT more proficiently.


This study illustrates the bibliometric structure of the DT literature and presents insights from the growth of the literature year-on-year.


Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 29 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-5771


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